Hi, I'm Victor Lominyo

Full Stack Web Developer

picture of my face

About Me

I am a highschool graduate who enjoys everything tech. I am currently going to university to further my skills in Computer Science. Combining my knowledge from Moringa School and university allows me to master both theortical and practical aspects of programming. In terms of programming, I am Full Stack developer who can make high quality web applications that feature beautiful frontends and efficient backends.



I am someone who likes to engage in many different types of things. Below are some of the things I like:


Github Search

A web app for finding information from GitHub. This app allows you to write a search query and get results regarding the users and repositories that match that query. You can also get a deeper look at users and repositories by clicking on them. The purpose of this app is to make it simple to find things on GitHub.

Find more here.

Live Link here.


A web app that keeps a catalogue of quotes. With Quoter, you can find inspirational quotes in the categories of sports, tv shows, and science. Along with this, you can add your own quotes to contribute to the community. Users can also delete quotes they think are unnecessary in the Quoter catalogue.

Find more here.

Live Link here.

News Catchup

A web app to keep up with the latest news. The app makes it easy to check what's going on in the world from different news sources; CNN News, BBC News, and others. The app also shows short descriptions allowing users to quickly decide what they want to read.

Find more here.

Live Link here.